Meet the Assistant County Manager for Climate Policy
Thursday, February 6
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Via Zoom, Free
Join EcoAction Arlington for an evening with Jennifer Fioretti, the new Assistant County Manager for Climate Policy. Jennifer will discuss the role of the County’s Office of Climate Policy and opportunities for residents to support this important work. There will be a question and answer session after the presentation.

This virtual event is co-sponsored by Coalition for Smarter Growth, Defensores de la Cuenca, the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Leaders in Energy, Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, Phoenix Bikes, Potomac Riverkeeper Network, Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ, and the Sierra Club Potomac River Group.

Jennifer Fioretti is Arlington County’s Assistant County Manager for Climate Policy in the County Manager’s Office. In this role, she will provide vision and leadership in developing policy across County government and the broader community to address the County’s climate goals.
Prior to this appointment, Fioretti served as the Deputy Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, where she led the update to the Forestry and Natural Resources Master Plan and the adoption of the Biophilic Cities Resolution.
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