EcoAction Arlington was founded in 1978 by the Arlington County Department of Public Works as a Clean Community member of Keep America Beautiful. During the 1980s, EcoAction Arlington started to address environmental issues beyond litter and began focusing its efforts on recycling. During the 1990’s, EcoAction Arlington disaffiliated from Keep America Beautiful but continued to focus on litter and worked comfortably with the local business community.
Today, EcoAction Arlington educates, advocates, and acts to create a sustainable community by improving our natural environment, encouraging environmentally-friendly behaviors, ensuring environmental justice, and addressing the climate crisis. With programs like Energy Masters, the Tree Canopy Equity Program, and a variety of school programs, EcoAction Arlington offers many ways to engage with the planet on a hyperlocal level. Find EcoAction Arlington volunteer opportunities or support EcoAction Arlington.
EcoAction Arlington Honors and Accomplishments
EcoAction Arlington has received numerous awards and accolades, including:
- Arlington Chamber of Commerce Best Business Award in the sustainability category (2023)
- Energy Masters program awarded the Best Affordable Housing Energy Conservation Effort by the Virginia Governors Housing Conference (2016)
- Energy Masters program awarded third place in the Low-Income category for 2016 Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership award
- Recognition as one of the best small charities in the greater Washington area by the DC Catalogue for Philanthropy (2007-2008, 2011-2012, 2015-2016 and 2021-2022)
- AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) 2005 Sponsor Innovation Award
- 2002 Walter L. Mess award from the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
- 1998 Virginia Environmental Stewardship award.
EcoAction Arlington is credited with launching Arlington’s Green Living Challenge program in 2007 with 25 fun and easy ways to make Arlington County cleaner and greener. The program challenges residents to examine their homes and lifestyles to consider greening them with the ultimate objective of making Arlington a healthier, more sustainable community. The competition has also inspired others. With inspiration from EcoAction Arlington’s program, the Virginia Municipal League has created Go Green Virginia, a competition for member municipalities.