Many thanks to the more than 30 Energy Masters volunteers who spent this past Saturday making energy efficiency and water conservation improvements in the homes of 29 families living at Virginia Gardens. In addition to these improvements, volunteers provided education to residents to encourage behavior change in energy and water usage for long-term benefit.
These improvements will help to reduce utility costs, improve the comfort of residents’ homes, and reduce the carbon footprint of residents.
By the numbers
- Units completed: 29
- 40W compact florescent ligh
t bulbs installed: 145
- 60W compact florescent light bulbs installed: 72
- Light switches sealed: 207
- Outlets sealed: 360
- Vents sealed:40
- Bath aerators installed: 27
- Kitchen aerators installed: 18
- Shower heads installed: 8
- Power strips installed: 5
- Smart strips installed: 9
Special Thanks to Which Wich
A very special thank you to Which Wich in Ballston at 4300 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington for providing a fabulous spread for our volunteers, ensuring they had the sustenance needed to do this great work. We would not be able to do much of the work that we do without the support of generous community volunteers, such as Which Wich. So, they next time you are looking for a great place to eat, go to Which Wich and support a restaurant that supports our local community! And tell them we sent you!