An EcoAction Arlington annual signature event

The summer Solstice Celebration is an annual signature EcoAction Arlington event. It takes place in the evening close to the Summer Solstice on June 20.
Volunteers participate in a service project on one of the longest days of the year, engaging in caring for our environment. The service project is followed by a celebration including fellowship and light refreshments. View upcoming events close to the date for registration.
For student service hours: EcoAction Arlington will provide documentation of service hours for any students participating in a service event. Students should bring paperwork to the event.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services, or other accommodations to participate in an EcoAction Arlington activity, please contact Michele Bianchi, Communications Coordinator, at (703) 228-6427 / TDD 800-828-1120 or to discuss reasonable accommodations five days prior to the event.